My Guide to ChatGPT & How It Works

[Jump down to the line break if you don’t want my personal intro about why & how I made this!]

After mostly resisting / avoiding 🙈 and generally being an ostrich (head in sand) about working with AI (other than a brief exercise with Midjourney back in the spring of 2022), I recently started playing with Chat GPT.

My first interaction was in July, asking for a list of travel themed alphabet words to help me brainstorm during my Glasgow School of Art illustration class — which resulted in my Travel Alphabet Book. It was really nice to prompt & receive answers within SECONDS, and be able to ask for revisions & get them just as instantly. Then a week ago, I started asking CGPT for help summarizing my projects for blog posts & product pages, and research help for a trip.

Again, I was impressed & grateful for the speed & quality of the responses. But I also didn’t totally understand the scope of what Chat GPT did, if I was using it “correctly” or the best way, and how secure it was (more for future intellectual property concerns than anything I’d asked it so far).

Then I had the bright idea of ASKING IT those questions… because I realized, hey it’s supposed to be smart & conversational. Phew was it useful! After skimming its responses and asking more clarifying follow-up questions, I asked Chat GPT to help me write a blog post to share that information with you. And voila.

How I Wrote This Guide

So this intro is by me (my own words, typing directly into the blog editor), and the full guide below is by Chat GPT after several rounds of prompting & feedback from me. We / I worked on this for about 4 hours total.

What I did

I asked CGPT questions about itself and AI — initially just for my own curiosity and understanding. (I now just asked it to pull together those Qs for me, and it immediately did. 🔥 That speed is one of the my favorite things about it!)

  • “what resources / references do you use to develop your responses?”

  • “im still trying to understand you / what chat gpt is and how you work and the best ways to work with you. what advice do you have for me?”

  • "do you remember our other conversation about what you do and how best for me to work with you?"

  • "im trying to learn more about you and how best to use your skills."

  • "how accurate are you? if you provide us with information, can we trust it?"

  • "i have some concerns about the privacy of our conversations and also your training based on what i share, and how that can be used. can you explain how all that works and what i have control over?"

  • "what is the best way for me to save or export our conversations?"

  • "how can i train you so that you learn better what i want and how i think and write?"

  • "im a little confused on the real-time learning and memory - you mentioned that you dont store things or learn from our interactions but that you use memory features to remember preferences from our conversations... can you clarify for me?"

  • "ok thanks. can you explain the benefits of me upgrading to plus vs using the free version?"

  • "is there any difference in privacy for free vs plus? and can i upgrade and downgrade without consequence?"

  • "what's the difference between chat gpt and other ai?"

  • "what else should i know about you, ai, or any of the topics we just discussed in this thread?"

  • "is everything you generate unique? like, if i use something that we made together, is it considered mine? are there guidelines for how i should disclose using chat gpt? (for clarification, im not a student or academic)"

Then I asked it to help me create this blog post about Chat GPT and AI. I just now asked it to summarize my requests (so the below list is by / from CGPT):

  1. Initial Blog Post Request:

    • You asked for a blog post about how best to work with me (ChatGPT), covering topics such as writing and using AI for various tasks.

  2. Refinement Requests for the Blog Post:

    • You asked for the blog post to include details about image AI and also have more detail overall, especially around AI features, data privacy, sources, and memory.

    • You specified wanting the blog post to start with a brief introduction about what it would cover, a clear and brief definition of AI and ChatGPT, and a note on sources and conversation privacy.

  3. Further Expansion and Details:

    • You requested the blog post to be expanded with more specific details you found helpful from our conversation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive guide that is not too high level.

    • You mentioned including a byline "By Katherine Conaway & Chat GPT" to acknowledge the collaborative writing effort.

  4. Structure and Style Preferences:

    • You wanted the blog structured with section headers, an intro paragraph, bullet points with details, a summary statement, and then moving to the next section.

    • You noted a preference for using ampersands ("&") instead of "and" in certain contexts and using an em dash with spacing.

    • You also mentioned including bolded words or phrases to help guide the reader's eye, similar to bionic reading but using full words.

  5. Content Details and Examples:

    • You specified including more detailed content, examples, and further expansions on how AI and ChatGPT work, including practical tips for using AI effectively."

Then I set this up as a blog post in the Journal on my website (aka here / this):

  • I copied & pasted in the last version of the blog post that CGPT provided (when I felt like we weren’t making meaningful progress / different outcomes in the iterations, and it achieved my general goal)

  • I added & adjusted a BIT of formatting because even though it does format & listen to my guidelines, some things didn’t carry-over between iterations, and I just wanted to be done

  • I also copied in details & responses that it put in some replies & versions but not others, so I’ve brought those back to this final version

  • It’s definitely a collaborative end product — but all of the text & info is from Chat GPT.

After all, CGPT is a tool for me (or anyone). Tools are useful aids, not something I’m supposed to mess with endlessly if doing it myself is more efficient. So until CGPT & I really evolve to the point that its end product feels like it could be my end product, I think I will generally use it for research, drafts, alternate versions, etc… aka like a smart, fast, personal intern or assistant.

A final note: I started off using the free ChatGPT (but signed up with an account). I decided to upgrade ($20 / month) during our conversation about the blog post, which mostly made it easier for us to keep working without a limit.

A blog cover that I asked ChatGPT / DALL·E to generate with a very simple prompt: "generate a cover image / social share graphic for a blog post about what chat gpt is and how it works" with 1 iteration and a couple updates to fix the text

Understanding AI: A Comprehensive Guide to ChatGPT & Its Capabilities

By Katherine Conaway & Chat GPT

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically through the lens of ChatGPT and its various versions. This guide introduces the essentials of AI and provides detailed advice on leveraging this technology in both daily life and business.

Here’s what we’ll explore in depth:

  • What Is AI & ChatGPT?: Understanding these foundational technologies.

  • Types of AI: Differentiating between conversational AI, image AI, and other AI categories.

  • Capabilities & Best Uses of ChatGPT: Exploring detailed applications and functionalities.

  • Guiding AI with Clear Instructions: Mastering communication to enhance AI utility.

  • Reliability & Accuracy of AI: Delving into the mechanisms that ensure AI effectiveness.

  • Privacy, Memory, & Security: Detailed discussion on data handling and user privacy.

  • Options & Plans with OpenAI: Tailoring your AI experience to match your needs.

  • References & Further Reading

What Is AI & ChatGPT?

Artificial Intelligence simulates human intelligence processes through programmed machines. These processes include learning (acquiring information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction.

ChatGPT is a specific AI developed by OpenAI that specializes in language understanding and generation. It's built to process and produce language in a way that mimics human conversational patterns. This makes it an invaluable tool for a variety of applications, from customer service automation to interactive learning platforms.

  • General Knowledge: I’m trained on a vast corpus of text, including books, articles, websites, and other written material up until my last update in August 2023. This allows me to pull from a broad understanding of topics ranging from art techniques to marketing strategies.

  • Creative Writing: I have access to various styles of writing, from technical descriptions to creative narratives, which I use to adapt my tone to your preferences.

  • Art and Design: My training includes exposure to concepts, techniques, and historical contexts in art and design, which I use to understand and discuss your creative work.

  • Personalized Memory: I retain information from our previous conversations, such as your stylistic preferences, specific projects, and feedback. This allows me to personalize responses and ensure consistency in tone and content.

  • Continuous Improvement: Every time you provide feedback or make revisions, I learn from those adjustments to improve my future responses, ensuring they are even more closely aligned with your expectations.


  • ChatGPT can draft emails, create poetry, or even generate technical reports on demand.

  • A user might ask ChatGPT to explain quantum physics, and the AI would generate a comprehensive, easy-to-understand overview based on its training data, which includes a vast range of internet texts up to September 2023.

Types of AI

AI can be categorized based on functionality and application area:

  • Conversational AI: Focuses on emulating human-like conversations. Customer service bots and virtual assistants, like ChatGPT.

  • Image AI: Specializes in generating and modifying visual content from textual descriptions. Tools like DALL·E transform descriptions into detailed images.

  • Specialized AI: Tailored for specific tasks like driving autonomous vehicles or performing medical diagnostics or optimizing supply chain logistics.

  • Example:

    • Image AI can be used by a designer to quickly generate multiple design options for client review, speeding up the creative process and allowing for rapid iteration.

    • An image AI might generate a series of marketing images from a simple description like "a sunny beach with futuristic umbrellas."

Capabilities & Best Uses of ChatGPT

Learn about the diverse capabilities of ChatGPT & how best to utilize them in various settings.

  • Content Creation & Editing: Assists with writing articles, editing texts, & crafting creative content.

  • Research Support: Helps gather information, summarize findings, & explore topics in depth.

  • Creative Writing: Generates ideas for art projects, story concepts, & more.

  • Examples:

    • An academic may use ChatGPT to draft a research proposal, using the AI to formulate a hypothesis based on the latest research trends identified by the model.

    • ChatGPT helps a marketing team generate compelling ad copy based on current trends & product features.

    • Training

      • If you're using specific software or tools (like Squarespace for your store), I can help you understand how to optimize your content within those platforms.

      • I can guide you through learning new topics or software, providing step-by-step instructions or resources.

    • For projects involving data, I can assist with basic analysis or visualize information.

    • Assists researchers by summarizing current scientific papers or compiling literature reviews.

    • If you share a text reference, a snippet from a book, or a specific description, I can analyze, summarize, or provide feedback on it.

    • I can help with brainstorming, editing, refining language, and even helping with larger writing projects like book chapters or marketing materials.

    • Aids authors by brainstorming story ideas, character development, or even writing entire draft plots.

What I Cannot Access

  • Social Media Platforms: I can’t directly browse social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. This means I can’t view posts, profiles, or stories on these platforms. However, you can describe the content to me, and I can help you interpret or use it in your projects.

  • Private or Restricted Content: I cannot access content that requires a login, subscription, or is behind a paywall. If you provide content from such sources, you’ll need to share the text or details with me directly.

  • File Processing: If you upload a document or image, I can’t process it directly within this chat environment. However, if you describe the content, I can assist based on your description.

Guiding AI with Clear Instructions

Effective communication is key to leveraging AI’s full potential — here's how to do it right.

  • Specificity in Requests: Provide detailed queries to get precise answers. Tailoring your questions to be as specific as possible will yield the most accurate responses.

  • Contextual Information: Providing detailed background information, such as the purpose of your request or background information, helps me tailor my responses more effectively.

  • Ask Questions: If you’re unsure about something, ask questions. Whether it’s about my capabilities or how to frame a request, I’m here to help you navigate and experiment with different possibilities.

  • Feedback Loop: Regularly provide feedback to refine the AI's understanding & performance.

    • Direct Feedback: If something I write doesn’t quite hit the mark, let me know what you would like to change. Your feedback helps me learn and improve my responses for future interactions.

    • Revision Process: Don’t hesitate to revise what I provide. Your adjustments help me better understand your preferences and style.

    • Build on Previous Conversations: Since I can remember details from our past interactions, you can reference previous discussions, and I’ll be able to pick up where we left off. This is particularly useful for ongoing projects or long-term goals.

    • Update Information: Feel free to update me with new preferences or projects. The more I know about your evolving needs, the better I can assist you.

    • Think of Me as a Partner: I’m here to collaborate with you, not just to execute commands. Consider me a partner who can offer suggestions, provide feedback, and help refine your ideas.

  • Examples:

    • When asking ChatGPT for a blog post, specify the topic, tone, and key points to include.

    • If you're asking for a product description, mention the key points you want to highlight, any specific tone or style you prefer, and any particular elements you want to avoid.

    • You can bounce creative ideas off me or ask for suggestions on everything from art projects to personal writing endeavors.

      • Let me know how you want something to sound. Whether it’s professional, casual, humorous, or reflective, I can adapt to fit the tone you’re aiming for.

      • Feel free to ask for different types of responses or explore various creative options.

    • If a user needs legal advice, providing specifics of the legal issue along with jurisdiction details will help ChatGPT generate more accurate and relevant advice.

    • If you need information or want to explore a new topic, I can provide summaries, explanations, or detailed breakdowns.

      • Instead of asking "Tell me about history," ask "Can you explain the causes of the American Revolutionary War?"

Reliability & Accuracy of AI

Understanding the reliability & accuracy of AI is crucial, especially in critical applications. While AI can be highly effective, it's important to recognize its limitations. Use ChatGPT as a supplement to human skills, not as a standalone solution, particularly in complex fields such as law or healthcare.

For highly specialized or niche topics, especially in fields like advanced sciences, medicine, or technical domains, it’s wise to cross-check with authoritative sources.

  • Accuracy in Complex Scenarios: AI's effectiveness can decrease in highly complex or nuanced scenarios where expert human judgment is irreplaceable.

  • Dependence on Training Data: The information AI provides is only as good as the data it was trained on.

    • My knowledge is up-to-date as of August 2023, but I don’t have real-time access to the internet or current events unless I use specific tools.

    • For real-time information, just ask, and I can use the browser tool if needed.

    • I aim to present balanced information, but I’m based on patterns in the data I was trained on. For highly subjective or controversial topics, multiple perspectives might exist, and it's beneficial to consult different sources.

  • Examples:

    • A financial analyst should verify AI-generated investment advice with current market conditions and professional insights.

    • Verify legal advice from AI with a qualified professional to ensure compliance and accuracy.

    • While I can provide suggestions and advice, certain decisions, especially those requiring personal judgment or subjective taste, are best made by you.

    • Human-Like Mistakes: Just like human writers, I can sometimes make errors in reasoning, math, or interpretation. It’s a good practice to double-check important facts, especially in critical projects.

    • Ambiguity in Queries: If a query is ambiguous or lacks detail, I might provide an answer that doesn’t fully align with what you were looking for. In such cases, asking follow-up questions or providing more context can help me refine the response.

    • Rapidly Changing Fields: Topics like technology, law, or global news can change quickly. For these, consider verifying the information with current resources.

AI Privacy, Memory, & Security

AI technologies handle vast amounts of data — here’s how they manage privacy & security.

  • Data Encryption: Ensures that all user data is securely encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Memory Management: AI does not retain information after sessions unless specifically requested to ensure user privacy.

  • Examples:

    • In healthcare applications, ensuring that ChatGPT forgets sensitive patient information after each session is crucial for compliance with privacy regulations.

    • When discussing sensitive information, ChatGPT can be instructed to forget this data immediately after the conversation.

Options & Plans with OpenAI

My OpenAI / ChatGPT plan

OpenAI offers various subscription plans to cater to different user needs, from occasional use by hobbyists to intensive use by enterprises:

  • ChatGPT Free: Offers basic access suitable for casual or low-frequency use.

  • ChatGPT Plus: Provides enhanced capabilities, more extensive data access, and faster response times, ideal for professional or frequent use.

  • Examples:

    • A software development company might subscribe to ChatGPT Plus to integrate AI into their customer support channels, ensuring minimal wait times for users.

    • A small business might choose the Plus plan for priority access during high-usage periods to ensure customer service continuity.

References & Further Reading

For those interested in exploring more about AI and its applications, a variety of resources are available:


I Just Started a Year of Art School in France!


New: A Travel Alphabet Book